
Sunday, March 27, 2011

BILLING: Product tax type XX - source tax type X - assigned to stock no XXXXXXXX not present in tax catalogue


ERROR: Product tax type XX - source tax type X - assigned to stock no XXXXXXXX not present in tax catalogue

OCCURANCE: In billing screen, after you scan or manully enter the stock number

CAUSE: Tax cataloguing of the particular stock number has not been done.

Follow the steps given below:

1) Goto Catalog -> Tax

2) Click on Add. Enter source tax type as the first option (e.g. if source tax type 0 is the error use the first option from the dropdown, if source tax type 1 is the error use the second option from the dropdown, and so on)

3) If destination tax type is also applicable then enter in the same way (e.g. if destination tax type 0 is the error use the first option from the dropdown, if destination tax type 1 is the error use the second option from the dropdown, and so on)

4) In the product tax type column, click on range and select the item which is showing the error (e.g. 01-Garments in this case)

5) In 'tax description field' click on 'same as product tax group'

6) In 'no of components' enter - 1

7) 'Effective from' will be the current shoper date

8) In the form below, the 'product tax group', 'tax description' and 'comp no' will get displayed automatically.

9) In 'component name' and 'component description' enter - VAT (in both places)

10) In 'type' choose the first option - Fixed

11) In computed on choose the first option - Value after discount

12) In tax rate, type the VAT rate applicable in your state (e.g. 5.00 or 12.50)

13) Click on OK

This will solve the problem for you.

EXCEPTIONS: In some cases you won't find your required 'product tax type' in the window where you need to check the corresponding tax box.

In such a case follow the following steps:
1) Goto Catalogue -> General Lookup

2) In the dropdown at the top select - Product-wise Sales Tax Group

3) Check if your required product is there in the list. If not, click on 'Add New'.
Enter the 'code' as the required product code and the 'description' as its description.

4) Click on 'Save'. You will now be able to see the product in the 'product tax type' box. Follow the earlier steps to catalogue the same and get over this error.

PRECAUTIONS: Please find out the exact tax rate for the product you are cataloguing as it may have tax implications in your other reports.

If you are a part of a chain, ensure that whenever a new PT file gets loaded, there are no new tax codes in it. If yes, then request for the tax masters as well.
If you are a one-off store, then take precautions during item master entry that no duplicates or unncessary tax codes are getting created. If still necessary, then this cataloguing needs to be done.

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