1. You have come to the billing screen and clicked on new bill. Now, if you don't want to add the customer details and want to come to stock number field directly, PRESS F11 KEY.
This will bring you directly to the stock number field where you can scan the item.
2. Suppose you don't have a scanner or the barcode is unreadable, then PRESS F2 KEY.
This will open up a search option where you can search according to the stock number, product, brand, style, shade, size or balance quantity.
3. You can still search within this F2 search by PRESSING F3 KEY.
This will make the search as 'begins with', 'ends with', 'is' or 'contains' your required field. This basically searches using wild-cards like * or ?
4. F2 search also has advanced options like searching by analysis codes, retail prices, etc.
5. Suppose you have searched for a quality number which has many sizes and you have to bill all of them one by one, then press F2 Key followed by CTRL + INSERT. This will take you back to the last search wherein you can scroll and select your desired size for billing.
6. The same F2 browse/search can be used in stock number entry fields in inwards, outwards, stock taking, etc.
7. A bill once made can be CANCELLED/VOIDED only on that particular day, i.e. until the day close is done.
8. 'Return with bill reference' is used when the customer/user has the bill number of the original bill, else 'return without bill reference' is used.
9. In returns, clicking on EXCHANGE will open up a new billing screen where the goods which are being purchased today are to be scanned.
10. In returns, clicking on RETURN will create a CREDIT NOTE which can be given to the customer for future usage.
11. Note that after clicking on the exchange key, the bill cannot be aborted. Trying to forcefully abort it through the system settings will automatically create a CREDIT NOTE.
12. Reprinting of the bill can be done for a single bill or for a range of bills using the from & to range, providing the appropriate bill numbers.
13. F7 is the hotkey for full cash transactions while F8 is for multiple mode billing. F9 key is used for displaying the totals including the tax breakup before printing the bill.
14. ALTER PREFIX key is for changing the bill prefixes which should not be messed with as the it will make a new billing prefix with the bill number reset to 1.
15. Problems in taking bill prinout and the various errors associated with it is taken up in later posts.
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