ERROR: Attention! You don't have the permission to access the server from this machine. Contact your network administrator
OCURANCE: While opening shoper, after you enter the username, password and select the company
CAUSE: This error generally comes in the node machines where a Shoper server installation has been done. It is because of the server path not being accessed or improper rights to the user.
1) Goto 'My Network Places' and see if the node computer is part of the workgroup
2) Find out the shoper server computer name and type the following at Start -> Run:
\\(server computer name)\Shoper9
3) The server location must be opened at the node machine and you must have read/write permission to make changes in the folder which has opened
4) If the above two things fail to happen, contact your hardware person check the network setting and to give the proper rights and priviledges to all the users.
Do not try to make changes in the IP address of any the PCs without the approval of your hardware person.
1) This error usually occurs in server-node installations when the network setting are disturbed. Ensure that your LAN cable is not disturbed and is connected correctly to the PC.
2) Ensure that your LAN setting in 'My Network Places' is in the "enabled" state.
3) Do not make changes in the IP address of any of the computers without the approval of your hardware person.